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Indian toradar musket

early 19th Century

A simple but very well made musket. It has a beautiful smooth 12 mm cal. twisted barrel showing a zig-zag chevron pattern. A strongly bell-mouthed muzzle. A firm rear-sight and a gunsmith mark? Decorated with silver rings surrounded by woven, brass bands. The zig-zag laminated side panels decorated with fretwork and rosettes. The pan has the shape of a makara head and still has its pan-cover. The sectioned hardwood stock with copper bands (later replacements). The stocks' front sections have been skilfully replaced. Iron ramrod engraved with chevron motifs. Very good condition. A matchlock with the same gun-smith mark was sold at Czerny's, auction 66, December 10th, 2016, lot nr. 853

- unsold for 1200€ at Herman Historica, Auktion 59, April 2010, lot nr. 3837

- see 'On Damascus Steel' Leo S. Figiel, p.114, fig.47 and p. 88 

164cm (64.57inch )


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This item is gone. Be sure to check out the available collection.