Peshkabz dagger

Overall length
38,5 cm / sheathed 46 cm
Blade length
26,5 cm / T-spine thickness 13 mm near the grip
bone, wootz steel, silver, wood, iron, leather
560 grams sheathed, 409grams unsheathed
Early 19th century
early 19th century
A finely executed early 19th century Peshkabz dagger featuring a single-edged wootz steel blade, with a thick and chiseled spine all the way to the tang locked into two slabs of bone forming the grip. Four rivets hold the slabs in place. It is complete with black leather scabbard with silver locket piece and a steel chape of Afghan form. A suspension swivel to the top of the hilt. The chape and leather are probably later additions. The form and shape look Afghan but the craftsmanship is Persian. The Peshkabz with a straight spine is also referred to as a ‘Karud’ dagger. Orgine; North India (present day Pakistan or Afghanistan)
This item is gone. Be sure to check out the available collection.
This item is gone. Be sure to check out the available collection.